Delivered the three appeals to the TAR. Yet another lie by the mayor. But the Committee does not give them get away with
not one nor two. Surprisingly, three appeals were filed Monday morning against the Administrative Court of Veneto Altanon the intervention plan. The application, the Ascom
that had delivered May 3, well in advance to avoid surprises, were added to that announced by the committee that meets citizens' associations and Facebook group and that, far from being expected of ten citizens, who hold a housing credit, che si ritengono danneggiati dal metodo adottato dall’amministrazione per la concessione delle volumetrie all’immobiliare Pontalpi. L'Ascom contesta che l’Altanon, così come si configura, sarebbe incompatibile con l’ambiente, insostenibile per la parte residenziale, difficilmente accessibile, inammissibile per la grande struttura commerciale che contiene e inoltre discutibile sotto il profilo progettuale e della stessa sostenibilità. Le associazioni ambientaliste e il gruppo Facebook contestano soprattutto l’impatto urbanistico dei nuovi edifici, che nascondono la vista della cittadella dalla stazione, che chiudono il corridoio verde previsto dal Pat, che precludono the possibility of building a park, leading to yet another layer of cement over the city. And finally, ten citizens believe that the municipality has made a gift to building by arranging a financial loss to the city and those who legitimately expect an opportunity like this to get a refund of real and virtual, not only resulting from the issue of building loans.
Corriere delle Alpi, 19 May 2010
After the appeal to the TAR, the mayor pulls out yet another lie. Environmentalists do not get away with it to him and invite him to a sort of reckoning. the center of the dispute, the usual question: who is the father dell'Altanon about to be born? In the city there are few doubts about it. Because if the administration Brambilla had evaluated the projects possible, but not approve even one (earning it an appeal to the TAR of Pontalpi), the current administration has decided, voted and re-voted on the master plan of Chipperfield, handed in ' area and to cement the building.
After three appeals to the TAR submitted Monday, Vaccari defended himself thus: "The environmentalists are opposed to a resolution of Brambilla" . And again: "If I were not an administrator, I also would support the appeal." All hell broke loose. For the No-
Committee Altanon is just too much. "Vaccari perhaps did not see the appeal but we are opposed to his plan, disputing compliance with Pat and Prg 'thunder environmentalists. "Vaccari keeps saying" ... if I had been invited or "... if I had known," but with whether, and with but nothing is done and these responses show that he always arrives late to solve problems' . The mayor, the committee also objects to other attitudes:
'Continue to worry about what does or says the minority. But why does not respond to us, we're just citizens, Do not bring up old government? And it continues to say that we have moved just now when I know that by the end of the nineties we had mobilized against the first intervention sull'Altanon?
says that now the town should spend money on a lawyer, but did not put the same problem when I redid some works projects, with costs borne by the public . Finally the call:
"You tell, from now on so as not to say that has not been notified and come to hear the conference to commence an action" .
Corriere delle Alpi, 22 May 2010