Evidently, after forty-seven years from that tragic night, the lesson is not enough.
falsehood is not enough of Sade and the complicity of state bodies. It is not enough arrogance of the men then led to the disaster October 9, 1963. It is not even enough for the trading of licenses after the disaster, the economic miracle of the law Vajont, large industrial and their speculation, the outrageous penalties imposed on offenders, lack moral support for the survivors, the difference in reconstruction of countries affected by natural disasters, the truth and covered up for years in oblivion the bulldozers over the dead in the cemetery turned out like a sock. Perhaps none of this has made us understand the profound values \u200b\u200bthat lie behind the word "Vajont.
What is served up the day of remembrance for victims of industrial disasters and remember those two thousand deaths each year, then when you decide to reuse the water for hydroelectric purposes Vajont?
With cards already in hand (of course the moral question is a surplus, if any, the least of the problems), reassured us that the design of the unit "does not interfere in the basin of Vajont or disturbance of nature goes environment ". Then they told us the reason for this new power: "Given the continuing cuts to local governments, the unit will allow us to have resources."
Here! Today, as then the same interests : some more content, perhaps manipulated for purposes far more noble of the time, but deep down we always talk about "Schei". Money, cursed, who are coveted by many, and a group of entrepreneurs, including the well-known En & En, ready to get my hands on that water.
What is not willing to do the man for the smell of money? Italian municipalities, just to make money to cover debts and balance sheets in red, are doing anything. Often sold off its historic and artistic heritage. Here you want to sell off some money for the memory of this valley and an important piece of Italian history, so also the conscience and awareness of being citizens of Vajont after, to live and walk each day on the scene of the "Greek tragedy" . You want to sell off its past, which is also the future of generations to come.
Those who, even just, they think of these ideas should be ashamed. And for that we must all indignant outrage to the memory . Not just for those two thousand innocent victims, but for all that Vajont was, is and will be. Perhaps all that some administrators have not yet understood.
The scene of that tragedy, too often we forget that maybe have been caused by man, has a value simbolico imprescindibile, preponderante ed invalicabile da qualsiasi idea di sfruttamento delle acque del Vajont. Perché, invece, sindaci e amministratori non si attivano per impedire ogni possibile futuro utilizzo idroelettrico di quell’acqua?
Meditate gente. Meditate. Perché sulla memoria del Vajont non si scherza.
Riccardo Sartor
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