Sull'Altanon Vaccari threatens the protesters: "Now lawsuits"
With an unprecedented move, the junta has given mandate to a Vaccari lawyer to defend the image of the common criticisms of those who oppose the plan Altanon and authorized the Mayor to submit complaints or complaints against those who raise alarm "among citizens. The resolution came voted Tuesday is the last mayor's response to an assertion that holds in check by two years his administration and that led, a few weeks ago, in three separate appeals to the TAR, presented by environmental groups, traders and a dozen people against the plan Altanon. The target of
Vaccari, however, seems to be primarily the opposition, which on its own initiative in mid- marzo aveva contattato un centinaio di cittadini titolari di credito edilizio per informarli dell’eventualità che la concessione di volumetrie extra all’immobiliare Pontalpi, per la costruzione del nuovo complesso edilizio, potesse averli danneggiati. Per la minoranza non è da escludere neppure l’ipotesi di un danno erariale a carico del comune.
In attesa che il Tar faccia luce sulla vicenda, o forse proprio per accelerare un pronunciamento dei giudici, il sindaco ha deciso di tentare la carta della minaccia di azioni legali per zittire i contestatori. «In seguito all’adozione del piano di intervento Altanon», si legge nella delibera di giunta, « è sostenuto che l’amministrazione, con i provvedimenti adottati, e sulla base di un’errata applicazione dei piani vigenti, andrebbe a causare grave danno patrimoniale all’ente stesso oltre che a più cittadini. La diffusione di tali notizie ha portato un certo allarmismo».
Vaccari e la sua giunta non hanno elementi per ritenere infondate le ipotesi mosse dalla minoranza. Eppure «la situazione», prosegue la delibera, «rende necessario per l’amministrazione assumere ogni iniziativa finalizzata a tutelare l’immagine dell’ente, le ragioni del comune nonché l’operato degli amministratori e della struttura City. " Hence the investiture
lawyer Treviso Moreno Gallina. And the go-ahead to Vaccari, because it can submit complaints. Replication tough opposition, in a joint statement released yesterday afternoon. "The news that according to Vaccari harms the image of the town were issued in the exercise of our functions and our costs," write the PD Malacarne, De Paoli Perenzin of the Left and the mixed group. "The press reported the news of our initiative conducting rigorously its role in the freedom of opinion. But perhaps Vaccari the scheme should be different. " And further: "The news on housing credit provided by us should be given by the administration. The people we contacted, however, were not even aware of the housing credit in their possession. " On the area and the implementation of Pat, finally, "we have an interpretation," say the opposition. "The mere fact that there is a different location would have forced the municipality to inform citizens about. And even more to seek legal advice before approving the plan. Instead, citizens have had to resort to the TAR at its own expense. It will be the Tar to clarify on the affair. " So the final lunge:
"The responsibility entrusted to the attorney is a thinly-veiled attempt at intimidation against the opposition, the press and those who have been used. At the expense of citizens who will pay the expenses on behalf of the Mayor, ".
Corriere delle Alpi, 17 June 2010
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