The recent dismissal of the "federal state-owned" by the Government, with the resulting list of goods sellable by the State, requires us to do a thorough analysis of future scenarios of the measure.
As for content, the decree in question allows you to transfer an asset to the state from the management of local (regions, provinces and municipalities) to those who come into possession of the property is granted the possibility to manage with the aim of exploiting them or m etterli sale, provided that the proceeds of the debt is intended slaughter (for 25% of the local authority and 75% of the State). In this sense, each asset is assigned a value of inventory.
Behind an apparent enhancement of the well-assignable, however, lies the opportunity (for builders and property developers) a strong real estate speculation. Heritage and historical heritage in danger of falling into the hands of private individuals, as well as enormous open areas at risk of being cemented brutally, in the name of speculation by law.
The greatest danger lies in the municipalities , many of which are in great economic difficulties of the budget, that could sell out their lands to private individuals in exchange for an alleged "exploitation" of the item ienabile to make cassa e coprire parte del loro debito. Con il federalismo demaniale, quindi, agli enti locali può arrivare di certo un bel tesoretto.
Questo patrimonio di beni, messi nero su bianco e oggi alienabili, sono stati preservati negli anni rimanendo nelle mani dello stato, proprio perché lo stato non agisce sugli strumenti urbanistici. I comuni, invece, gestiscono direttamente l’urbanistica sul territorio e, pertanto, hanno la possibilità di fare varianti ai piani regolatori. E così, a suon di varianti, possono tranquillamente cambiare destinazioni d’uso dei territori, rendendoli edificabili e sfruttati dai privati a loro piacimento.
Con questo ragionamento, i comuni potrebbero tranquillamente permettere l’edificazione massiccia di condomini, hotel, alberghi, e resort sui monti del Sorapis, delle Tofane, del Cristallo (una delle montagne simbolo di Cortina), del Faloria, della Croda Rossa, oppure dare in pasto ai privati grandi aree strategiche come la Caserma Fantuzzi o patrimoni storico-artistici come il Castello di Alboino di Feltre.
Si tratta di beni che saranno svenduti ad un prezzo che, talvolta, è inferiore addirittura a quello di un box d’auto o di un appartamento ; montagne che valgono poche decine di euro e altre che arrivano a centinaia di migliaia. Ma uno splendido patrimonio naturale come quello delle Dolomiti, dichiarato dall’Unesco World Heritage Site, and then universal good that belongs to all, may not have money.
sell off the Dolomites, sold at a ridiculous economic value, is a humiliation and a sign of contempt of the mountain, in the name of a strictly business where everything can be bought and sold, where even our mountains, our people, our history, our dignity, our feelings are reduced to trivial bargaining chip, to be eaten. The Dolomites, a World Heritage Site, are the core of our identity.
We can not allow municipalities to raise cash, sell off our past, our history and, with them, our future and that of future generations. We do not want that the future shape of these areas so designated by the manufacturers along with the secretaries of the party. We do not want to lose such a great World Heritage Site.
What will happen then to this land when they come to local authorities for real? Can we really trust the assurances of our various political representatives?
The danger is just around the corner. Just knowing grasp. In Feltre, where even the undisputed symbol of the ancient castle town is for sale, the mayor-Vaccari senator (who has applied for inclusion the castle between alienable goods) has already announced his own, very worrying, going: "Now open up interesting prospects for agreements with the private sector."
keep our eyes open. The city is ours, we must prevent them from being sold off for a few € to those who have not been able to manage public affairs and made havoc until now.
Richard Sartor
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