Monday, August 30, 2010

Sweet 16 Short Poofy Dresses

Feltre declined to state-owned Vedelago

The fuse is lit. Waste management in the city is still a polemica rovente . Dopo la delibera della giunta comunale che ha aperto una partita legale (l’ennesima) contro il Centro di Riciclo di Vedelago, gli attivisti feltrini del Movimento Cinque Stelle di Beppe Grillo sono scesi nei giorni scorsi nella cittadina trevigiana per chiedere delucidazioni sulla faccenda. A parlare di fronte ad una telecamera è direttamente la titolare e responsabile del centro, Carla Poli, che getta fiamme e fuoco sull’amministrazione comunale e sull’assessore alle politiche dei rifiuti Raffaele Riposi .
«Noi collaboriamo con enti pubblici e privati. Comuni e aziende vengono dai noi per chiedere di occuparci dello smaltimento dei loro rifiuti a causa dei costi very high, hundreds of thousands of euro, "says the owner of the plant that can recycle almost 99% of the waste it receives (including the dry part of the waste). "In fact" states "are not waste. We must eliminate the word rejection. Here we are talking about materials that can be recycled to create new products. "
Speaking of Belluno, Ms. Poli states that "except Ponte in the Alps and some common, no one has adopted the system proposed by our center" . This is where you turn on the controversy: "At Rest, which is fifteen years which is above the seats, did not care about all this. But then do not waste my time. Tell me if your ultimate goal is to make the incinerator or landfill. And do not fool me. "

This is particularly irritated the Poles. Fly is also a dirty word. The Mountain Community says that managers are "idlers. Not satisfied that I came to show them our methods and our approach to make information in schools, but they wanted me to go school by school to explain this system. I had to do everything. But you do not have people able to speak to students? I'm not from Feltre, I do not know the needs, methods and culture of this land. " Then he states that 'we are not on television, we should not do commercials. We must make culture. Otherwise there are with the primary concepts.

The activists of the Movement, then ask for further explanation on the matter: the the recycling center of proposed Vedelago actually a "righteous management" of waste to the town of Feltre ? "Of course. It appears that parts with this system. But traveled at the long term. It must start with accurate information in schools first and then in families. You must maintain a proper waste disposal. And you can not get results after a month, because you have to start the whole chain. But the finally manages to get brilliant results, as has happened in Italy, from north to south, "says the owner of the center. "Apparently not hard to please everyone, because at some point someone has got to stop everything and decided to initiate a call to entrust the management of waste to those who cost less" .

But what really are the total costs? The Poles if they asked, "Have to say the total cost of waste disposal in Feltre. And keep in mind also the cost, required by law, for the health damage caused by the landfill. " "So all of our initial investment has gone up in smoke. It is I who should claim damages to the City. Me and my assistant have come up and down for months. Why they did not have the time or did not want to do what had to be done. Why do something mean to engage in first person. " He continues: "We started the course, working almost two years. It has made little headway, because there was no support to the territory. Then they decided otherwise. But then I am not here to do the stopgap, but I'll help you along a road that will lead to proper management, saving and environmentally friendly and citizens' .

The ability to handle waste differently, so there. With a collection correct, the waste would be completely recycled, including the dry part of the refusal, by which the center produces Vedelago inert compounds for the building. But the administration did not want to take this path. Why?

When the activists point out that the municipality has adopted the system to cover the bins, the owner of the old ball and bowl the way he blurts out: "It's wrong. This system is obsolete and abandoned by the rest of the world. In Europe, even if they are dreams. Everywhere make door to door, even here in Treviso. That can only be felt, not able to set up a door to door? E sprecano soldi nelle calotte che si aprono senza la chiavetta elettronica. È una gestione fuori di testa» .

E sulla delibera della giunta, la responsabile del centro precisa che « è il Conai (Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi) a dare il contributo per il conferimento della plastica. Io non sono il Conai. Io faccio solo da tramite. Devo attendere che il consorzio nazionale mi rimborsi e poi io ti pago la tua quota. Ma ci vuole pazienza. Perché io ho lavorato per riciclare i tuoi rifiuti e prendo i soldi per il mio lavoro. Tu li vuoi prendere… ma cosa hai fatto? Niente. Allora calma, aspetta». 

Finally, the appeal: "Now I meet. I want a public meeting with rest, I want to explain his choices to the citizens' . Meanwhile, the Movement Five Star Rest alderman sent an email asking for his willingness to a video interview, so that it can provide any response, in order to provide correct information to citizens the reasons for and costs of the new method waste disposal adopted by the City. Hoping that this time, please reply ...


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