La Capanna Osservatorio Regina Margherita, con i suoi 4.554 metri s.l.m., è il rifugio più alto d'Europa. Situato sul tetto delle Alpi è una meta tecnicamente semplice da raggiungere. Non vi sono infatti tratti tecnici o esposti. Il trekking richiede però equipaggiamento da ghiacciaio e un buon allenamento. L'unico inconveniente potrebbe essere quello della quota... il che è un fattore assolutamente soggettivo.
Insieme a Riky, Roky e il Vezzoli siamo partiti sabato da Passo dei Salati (sopra Gressoney - Valle d'Aosta) con gli zaini super carichi (equipaggiamento, tenda, viveri, pots, stoves, sleeping bags ...) and walking we arrived in the vicinity of Ref Mantua, where we set up our little camp. 7
At the dinner of risotto Knorr (will not be good ... but I'm really comfortable!) And 8 to sleep.
Wake up at 2:45 and leaving at 3:30 for Gnifetti.
Due to some minor technical problem at the Col de Lys, Riky and Cristian (the Vezzoli) came back, and while I have continued to Roky. Our rope (two) have added a third member, who sought "a tear" to the summit. At 8:00
sipped tea in the warmth, the Capanna Margherita.
The hardest part was, once back to the tents, dismantling everything, reload the backpacker-style mule (15/20 kg bag) and go back to Passo Salati, a delusion! The path that I had done the day before with no problems I seemed endless!
Go to the Shack is not "technically exciting" but the landscape is really worth. From the top you see the Lyskamm, the Matterhorn, White and of course all the major peaks of Monte Rosa.
The glacier, up the Col de Lys, was discreetly crevasses (especially the return because of the rise in temperature), then the equipment glacier seems really necessary for your safety and that of the rope ... even though you see people get all kinds of species; the types in those lonely shoes and hiking sticks, ropes from 9 people! There are crazy around!
For those who suffer the fee is always advisable to put an aspirin in a rucksack to calm headaches.
Ta '
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