The movement has met with the commissioner Rest. But doubts remain. Still Tuesday, October 5th Movement Five Stars met the commissioner of Feltre Riposi per parlare della gestione dei rifiuti. Fin da subito l’assessore si è dimostrato piuttosto arrabbiato nei nostri confronti . Avevamo anche fatto esplicita richiesta che l’incontro fosse video-ripreso , come ulteriore occasione per comunicare con i cittadini e dare quelle risposte tanto sperate, ma l’assessore non ha consentito le riprese. Per evitare un possibile scontro, non abbiamo voluto insistere e abbiamo accettato, purché l’assessore avesse risposto alle nostre domande e avesse fatto chiarezza sul tema della gestione dei rifiuti.
Riposi non ha gradito le diverse uscite sulla stampa by the movement ("you write stupid things") and especially has not digested the video interview made to Mrs. poles Vedelago ("you put a video on YouTube that you cane on all fronts"). Rest stated that it never acted on the issue of Vedelago, not knowing anything about the decision to collect the debts from Vedelago (even if the resolution states "the commissioner felt competent Raffaele Rest") and never having been aware a proposal for a "righteous management" by the recycling center (although a municipal worker, attended the meeting, then referred to an alleged "outsourcing" the service, which suggests that "perhaps the proposal was embraced by the previous administration).
At that point, found the possible extraneous to the facts of the councilor Vedelago, we asked her willingness to speak at a public meeting with Mrs. Poli to clarify the issue and give correct information to citizens. But the commissioner has rejected the request immediately ("I absolutely do not want to meet the lady Vedelago. We will meet in the appropriate forum"). Rest complained that he had been "badly railed "and being unfairly victim of a" very heavy situation as a public figure " (" Take an asshole or incompetent for free is not pleasant. I boast thirty years of activity, in which I have always fought for the environment and the wallet of the citizens. And with the lady Vedelago are five years I do not speak more ).
The commissioner told us not to hit anything about the decision to change the reference point for the conferral of plastic (from Vedelago at Sandhurst), "the decision taken individually, against my opinion, by the mountain community. " Rest also told us that he had "always supported Vedelago, like efficiency and ability to do things" and of having first made known in the province.
Then the commissioner has calmed down and so we started talking about the system of waste management. Rest first stated that the management of waste (paper, plastic, glass, wet) is for the Community Feltrina, while on dry are the individual municipalities to decide.
As for the town of Feltre, Rest told us that the choice ice caps (that are "rent") was dictated by many variables weighted in favor of a future ": " You use a single operator in terms of the collection is the least expensive in absolute were used means of collecting existing , otherwise the City would make a huge investment to change trucks and equipment, and finally, in the name of safety and biohazard , this method is the safest for the employees to empty the bins. "
Rest then spoke of door to door that, according to some studies, "has an environmental impact, such as atmospheric emissions, equal to that of an incinerator" and is a method that "has a major advantage, but in terms of costs and logistics, as they will drop Conai contributions, will have serious repercussions on the citizens' . Then rest said he was uncertain whether it is better to send the dry incineration or recycling, in terms of costs. At that point we pointed out that certainly is not healthy for people to send to the dry ash, but has defended the Rest incinerators in the name of the latest technologies.
Per quanto riguarda i cassonetti del secco che si aprono anche senza la chiavetta elettronica , Riposi ha detto che “non è colpa del comune ma del costruttore” , che Feltre è “il comune pilota per questo tipo di problema” e che la ditta incaricata provvederà a sigillarli . Non ci ha spiegato, però, se questi costi ricadranno ancora sui cittadini.
Poi l’assessore ha ribadito che “l’aumento della raccolta differenziata è was an exploit in Feltre, over 80% ", passing" from 50 tons to about 415 tons. " And the quality of the diversified stated that "it is one of the best Community Feltrina" that "recycling has increased by 70%" and that "decreased substantially dry". Dry Maseròt that is delivered to and then ends in the center of incineration of Padua, together with 24% of the collection (the gap). And to think that if he had opted for a solution to the center of Vedelago, dryness, and the gap could be recycled and produce cement mortar and concrete for local products and artifacts that are widely used in the construction market , with benefits and economic returns for both the common for the community.
MoVement Five Stars
Feltre - Belluno
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