There tregua sui rifiuti a Feltre. O perlomeno, il MoVimento Cinque Stelle non vuole darsi per vinto e continua la sua battaglia contro il sistema di gestione dei rifiuti recentemente adottato dal Comune di Feltre. Al centro della polemica, l'introduzione dei cassonetti a calotta metallica ed apertura elettronica.
« E' stato sperimentato anche in altre realtà italiane, ma i risultati sono stati decisamente insoddisfacenti » dicono gli attivisti del movimento. « Favorisce l’abbandono, non empower citizens to decorum. Who finds it difficult to open the box of dry, or leave your bag on the floor contributing to urban decay, or worse, throw it in the bins of paper, plastic or humidity " . So the consequences. " Increase the level of contamination of differentiated hindering the achievement of the objectives of collecting qualitative required by law and thus also increasing the cost and the subsequent selection specialized centers and eventual disposal in landfill or incinerator , with serious damage to human health . Then the motion states that the system, in addition to not contributing " to increase the recycling of materials to which it should concentrate their efforts each municipality " is " inaccessible for wheelchair users and people with walking problems , needs repeated steps to clean the places ecological and patrols of officers to fine people defaulting .
in the press release, the movement also reply to the latest statements by the competent municipal councilor, Raffaele Rest (with whom he will meet soon). " Rest The commissioner said today that the boxes will be sealed in the dry. We wonder how this has not been done since the introduction of the new system, given that the transfer of dry only through the cap requires that the lid of the box should be locked . Also we wonder what it will cost the City (and citizens), this additional expenditure not foreseen, since there are many containers of dry still open even manually . 'R hypox said that "we will become the first to implement this system nationally." If this last statement with the commissioner refers to the closure of the bins, answer with a smile that perhaps it is because Feltham is the only Italian city that has installed bins to cover the opening while allowing the chip without " .
Finally, a clarification on the planned "discount" of 5% of the waste bill. " The electronic key is used to record the number of injections of dry and therefore each user pays according to how many times have you opened the hood. Rest The commissioner spoke of a reduction of 5% of the cost burdens on citizens. But if this discount applies to all citizens, in our opinion, means that there is a real fee for delivery of dry and then the citizens are still paying a tax on waste . Indeed, in other situations they have experienced this method, caps have never allowed the recording of the dry product and, therefore, the transition from the tax at the rate . "It is for these reasons that the majority of Italian municipalities (as well as all European cities) are adopting in recent years a system of separate collection of type" door to door, adjusted according to various local '.
Rejected, therefore, the system of caps. " With the amount spent to accommodate the bins and to buy the keys we could create new jobs, instead of wasting money unnecessarily in a public form of organization of the collection differentiated old, obsolete and abandoned by the rest of the world because they are highly inefficient . If the system proves effective, the Movement Five Stars of Belluno-Feltre promises to review their positions.
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